Mortality review subject matter experts
Mortality review subject matter experts advise the National Mortality Review Committee and Te Tāhū Hauora.
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Mortality review subject matter experts advise the National Mortality Review Committee and Te Tāhū Hauora.
Subject matter experts are an integral part of the national mortality review function.
All subject matter experts appointed on 1 July 2023 were members of the previous single mortality review committees.
Te Tāhū Hauora has appointed subject matter experts for their specialist knowledge across the workstreams the National Mortality Review Committee (NMRC) is required to review and report on.
The workstreams are:
Workstreams will change from time to time and other subject matter experts will be appointed.
List of subject matter experts for mortality review.
Māori subject matter experts may also participate in Ngā Pou Arawhenua – a caucus of Māori members of the National Mortality Review Committee and Māori subject matter experts.